74th Venice Film Festival 2017 Report 1

By Moira Sullivan The 74th Venice International Film Festival ran from Aug 31 through Sept 9th. Jury president Annette Bening, the first woman to be the honored in over a decade as the head of the jury spoke about the underrepresentation of women at the festival with only one film in the 21 films of the official competition directed by a woman. Jane Fonda and Robert Redford were the recipients of the Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award. The two actors were honored on September 1st who both star in Our Souls at Night by Ritesh Batra. Based on the novel written by Kent Haruf , the Netflix film produced by Redford is set in Colorado. Jane Fonda plays Addie Moore (Jane Fonda) who pays her neighbor, Louis Waters (Robert Redford) a visit. Both lost their spouses and have had little contact over the years. The film will be released later this year. Fonda and Redford have not starred opposite each other since Barefoot in the Park, made in 1...