Blanco en Blanco in Venice Horizons section

Blanco en Blanco © La Biennale di Venezia By Moira Sullivan Blanco en Blanco is an extraordinary film which debuted in the Horizons section of the Venice Film Festival Sept 3 directed by Spanish/Chilean director Théo Court. Apart from the opening scenes, the film is about molestation and murder of young Indian women in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago that lies between Argentina and Chile. The opening seen of Blanco en Blanco Court shows a beautiful landscape of plains and frozen earth. Away from the mountains the snow is melting on a settlement with sparse makeshift cabins. We see the instruments of early daguerreotype photography and the reverence that the main character and the filmmaker holds for these inventions and instruments is evident. The stark realism of this scene is highly crafted by cinematographer José Alayón who takes beautiful moving pictures and stills– for example when the photographer sits in a beige painted wood paneled room with a small window and...